London Marathon 2025 Tapering Week

Your Last chance to ensure you get it right on Marathon Day

Congrats on securing your place at the London Marathon! It's time to prepare for the race after weeks of training. Don't underestimate the importance of the final week before the event in achieving your goals.

During the taper period, the main objective is to optimise your performance by gradually reducing the volume of your daily training. This reduction helps in alleviating the accumulated fatigue from consistent training sessions, while ensuring that the progress achieved over the previous weeks and months is maintained. Effective planning is essential to ensure that your body has undergone the necessary physical adaptations before entering the taper phase, enabling you to showcase your peak performance levels as the fatigue dissipates.

Prepare Your Body and Mind

Its now time to decompress and fully absorb the training to ensure that all the supercompensation benefits can be realised on the big day. It may be the difference between thriving or just about surviving.

“The training you do on the final week is not getting you any “fitter” before race day”

Avoid last-minute cramming before a marathon. Hard training within the final week won't boost your performance on race If anything it could actually take away. It takes about 8-12 days for the body to fully adapt to training. Stay active but be wise in your approach.

This 5 night retreat will ensure you prepare optimally for the London Marathon. Arrive at the start line fresh and ready to adjust to any race challenges.

Why the Tapering Retreat is for you!

By the end of this 5 nights retreat you have the answer to:

  • What if have not trained enough, what should I do?

  • How do I cope with the fear that I may not finish?

  • How many miles should I run during in Marathon week week?

  • Should I run the day before the race?

  • What if I have a bad nights sleep before the big day?

  • How long should I warm up for and what exercises will be best?

  • How fast should I run?

  • I have not practiced hydration and fueling what should I do?

  • My longest run is only half the distance of the race can I still do it?

  • What happens if I hit the wall?

  • What should I eat for breakfast, and how long before the race?

  • How do I prepare my mind so I only have positive thoughts?

    and much more…

Please Contact us if you have an specific requirements

Evidence Based Knowledge

We don’t to Bro -Science! We’ll provide evidence based tools and techniques used by Professional and Elite Athletes; to show you how to maximise the benefits from your tapering week, including massage, some key running sessions to help you maintain fitness and stay sharp. We’ll give you tried and trusted advice on your fueling and hydration strategy, pre race nutrition and mindset.

Achieve Your Goal!

Feeling nervous before race day is common for all runners. Whether it's your first marathon or aiming for a personal best, we will help you manage those nerves and boost your confidence. You'll learn tools and techniques to reach your goals with self-belief.

What’s included?

  • 5 Nights Accommodation

  • All inclusive Meals/Nutrition and Fueling to prime to the body ready for the big day!

  • Educational workshops covering:

    • The Route and What to Expect

    • Race Readiness Assessment

    • Mobility screening (Injury Prevention)

    • Personalised Marathon Pacing Calibration

    • Goal Setting

    • The Marathon Mindset

    • Recovery

    • Yoga and Stretching

    • Marathon Day and Race Preparation

    • Race Day Plans & Racing Strategy

    • Sweat rate and salt loss testing carried out by Precision Fuel and Hydration

    • A Personalised Hydration, Nutrition and Fueling plan by Precision Fuel and Hydration

    • Carb Loading

    • Evidence Based Performance Enhancing Supplements and Dosage

    • Injury Prevention and Management

    • Cross Training

  • Guided Race Pace Specific Workouts and protocols for

  • Cross Training

  • Transport to London on Race Day if (If required)


Your camp will be based within the New Forest National Park Hampshire, UK . This will be confirmed based on availability and your specific requirements. A full itinerary will be provided upon booking.

Bring a Companion

Bring someone along, either a friend or spouse, partner whoever you are comfortable with. You will make new friends for life, and having someone close to share the experience with is also a great way to stay motivated. If you also want a room with multiple occupancy we can also offer favorable rates compared to the individual price. Please Contact us if you have an specific requirements

Places going Fast!

Monday April 21st - Saturday April 26th

Now taking bookings for London Marathon Final Preparation week! Contact us for details and to secure your place


Early Bird Price Ends Jan 1st 2025 (LIMITED SPACES)

£2,620.00 per person

Standard Price

£4,210.00 per person

*Terms and Conditions Apply

Your Last Opportunity to Properly Decompress

The last days are just as important as the weeks and months before the race. If you mess up the final week, it will affect the race outcome! This retreat is perfect for you. It helps you escape life and work stress, clear your mind, concentrate on staying fit and healthy to help you get ready for an amazing Marathon Day.